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Pages On: Road Traffic Accidents

Road traffic accidents are one of the most common causes of personal injury in the UK. Injuries sustained whilst driving cars, riding bicycles and motorcycles, being on public transport, or even just as a pedestrian are a regular occurrence on our roads. When these happen due to another road user failing in their duty of care to you, they are liable, and you are entitled to claim compensation.

pedestrian hit by car accident solicitors Glasgow

Campaigners Warn new 20mph Zone in Glasgow Could Increase Fatalities

Posted in: Road Traffic Accidents

Former police officers and some road traffic campaigners have warned that a new 20mph zone in Glasgow could lead to an increased number of fatal accidents involving pedestrians and children. The 20mph zone was introduced in some areas of Glasgow city centre earlier this year and was praised by road traffic campaigners and safety officials. However, a group has criticised the new speed limit, stating that fatalities may occur due to the lower speed limit. The criticism comes after some safety campaigners said that children would be dragged under the…

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injury accident abroad compensation solicitors Glasgow

Glasgow Drivers Likely to be Involved in Car Accidents Abroad

Posted in: Accidents and Sickness AbroadCar AccidentsRoad Traffic Accidents

A new report has found that drivers from Glasgow are joint-first in being the most likely to be involved in a car accident when abroad. A study, which questioned more than 1,500 drivers, found that drivers from Plymouth and Glasgow were the most likely to be involved in an accident abroad, with two-thirds of drivers from both cities struggling to deal with the loss of orientation. As well as finding that Glasgow drivers were likely to cause road traffic accidents, the study also revealed that around half of drivers from…

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motorcycle accident claims compensation solicitors Glasgow

Motorcyclist Injured in Collision With Bin Lorry

Posted in: Motorcycle AccidentsRoad Traffic Accidents

A motorcyclist has been seriously injured after colliding with a bin lorry in a crash in a road traffic accident in Glasgow. The incident occurred at 4:15pm on a Saturday, which led to emergency services treating the motorcycle driver at the scene. He was then taken to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital for treatment. In a case which highlights the danger of being a vulnerable road traffic, the bin lorry-driver and two passengers on board escaped injury, with only the motorcyclist suffering major injuries. Police Scotland are still carrying out…

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pothole accident claim solicitors Glasgow

Glasgow City Council pays out over £1.4 Million in Pothole Compensation

Posted in: Pedestrian InjuriesPothole InjuriesPublic Place AccidentsRoad Traffic Accidents

A recent report has revealed that Glasgow city council paid out more than £1.4 million in pothole compensation in the past four years. The information, which was obtained by a Freedom of Information request, was only made available after a fee had been paid to the council to disclose the information. The council receives, on average, 50 monthly compensation claims regarding potholes, with two-thirds of all claims being personal injury claims as a result of potholes or accidents caused by issues with the road. Two of the biggest cases resulted…

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Whiplash Accident Injury Compensation. Free, Personal Injury Claim Assessments. Road Traffic Accident claims Glasgow

Whiplash Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow

Posted in: Whiplash Injuries

Whiplash injuries are very common, normally occurring after a road traffic accident. However, whiplash is often misunderstood as an injury despite the regularity of its occurrence. Symptoms can range from dizziness to severe pain and difficulty with everyday tasks. Furthermore, many people fail to realise that if they have suffered a whiplash injury, they may be able to seek compensation. Whiplash can be a very painful injury, and many people who suffer from it are unable to attend work for a period of time. This financial loss is in addition…

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Road Traffic Accident Claims Glasgow - Car accident solicitors

Car Accident Injury Compensation Claims Glasgow

Posted in: Car AccidentsRoad Traffic Accidents

If you have been involved in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, you could be entitled to compensation. Even if you were driving the car, a passenger in the driver at fault’s car or a pedestrian would may be able to make a personal injury compensation claim to compensate you for your injuries and the associated costs of your accident. Car accident injuries can range from minor bruising and whiplash, right up to the most severe head or spinal injuries. We understand how much of an impact a car…

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Public Transport accidents, bus crash injury compensation

Public Transport Injury Claims Glasgow

Posted in: Public TransportRoad Traffic Accidents

If you have been injured in a public transport accident that wasn’t your fault, you may be able to claim compensation from the person or organisation responsible for the accident. Injuries sustained in public transport accidents can range from mild bruising, whiplash and breaks and sprains right up to the most serious injuries such as head and brain injuries, spinal injuries and even fatalities. Regardless of the severity of your injury, our specialist public transport accident lawyers can help. We understand how much of an impact your accident may have…

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pavement trip on roads - public liability claims solicitors Glasgow

Pavement Injury Claim Glasgow

Posted in: Pedestrian InjuriesPothole InjuriesPublic Place Accidents

If those responsible do not maintain public places like streets or pavements, such as a local council, it can become a hazard to the public. Broken slabs and potholes can cause falls. Trips can be caused by an uneven walking surface where some slabs are raised much higher than the others. A member of the public could slip and be injured if mud, leaves and debris are allowed to build up on a street. A pavement injury could seem innocuous, but slipping, tripping or falling awkwardly could have serious ramifications…

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Road Traffic Accident Claims Glasgow - Car accident solicitors

More Than 2000 Road Traffic Offences During Road Safety Week

Posted in: Road Traffic Accidents

Police Scotland have revealed that there were more than 2000 serious breaches of road traffic safety despite efforts to reduce poor practices during Road Safety Week. During Brake’s Road Safety Week 2000 offences were detected with more than half of all offences involving speeding. In total officers detected more than 940 speeding offences with speed cameras detecting a further 700 across the country. Despite the numerous efforts in the last few years to reduce the number of mobile phone offences with in-car calls and hand-free sets, there were still a…

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Cycle Accident, Bicycle Injury, Best Cycling Accident, cyclist injury, Solicitors, Biker Hit By Car claim lawyers Glasgow

Cycling Charity Calls for more 20mph Speed Zones in Glasgow

Posted in: Bicycle AccidentsRoad Traffic Accidents

A Glasgow-based cycling charity has called for strict analysis of cyclist accident locations to properly protect cyclists in the city. CTC Glasgow has urged the Council to make 20mph speed limits the standard speed limit in many areas of Greater Glasgow. The organisation has also called for the Council to pay particular attention to arterial roads and roundabouts that are shown to have significantly higher than average numbers of cyclist and pedestrian casualties. By having an in-depth analysis of where accidents occur, the charity believes that more road traffic accidents…

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We Represent Injured Cyclists In Glasgow - We Offer A Free Cycle Accident Claim Assessment

No Link Found Between Wearing Helmet and Head Injuries

Posted in: Bicycle AccidentsHead and Brain InjuriesRoad Traffic Accidents

A recent study has revealed that there is no link between preventing head injuries and wearing a safety helmet when cycling. Indeed, a new report failed to find a link between legislation that makes bicycle helmets mandatory and a drop in head injury rates. The study compared rates seen in five years in regions of Canada where helmets were mandatory and areas where they were not. Academics found that cyclists who wore a helmet were just as likely to suffer a head injury as those who did not. Head Injuries…

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Pedestrian Injury Compensation Claims

Road Traffic Fatalities up 16% in 2014

Posted in: Bicycle AccidentsPedestrian InjuriesRoad Traffic AccidentsWrongful & Accidental Death

Provisional statistics into road traffic accident fatalities in Scotland have revealed that there were 200 deaths in the last year on the roads. 200 people were killed in reported road traffic accidents, with the number indicating a 16% rise in the number of fatalities from 2013. Despite the rise in the number of fatalities in the last year, there was a 2% decrease in the overall number of casualties and accidents on the road. In total, last year saw a decrease from 11,504 accidents to 11,268, the lowest number since…

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car crash neck injury compensation claim lawyers Glasgow

RAC Data Finds More Drivers Using Phone Behind Wheel

Posted in: Car AccidentsRoad Traffic Accidents

A study from the RAC has found that more drivers are willing to risk breaking the law to text or use their phone when driving. The data, which was mainly compiled in England showed that there had been a substantial increase across the board of people admitting to using their phones at the wheel. Worryingly, the data also indicated that there was a reduction in the number of criminal convictions. Statistics showed that there was a 1.6% increase in drivers admitting that they used their phone to text when driving.…

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car crash road traffic accident claims compensation solicitors Glasgow

Glasgow to Introduce 20mph Zones to Reduce Road Traffic Accidents

Posted in: Road Traffic Accidents

Glasgow is to introduce 20mph zones in certain areas under plans to cut the number of road traffic accidents in the UK.  The proposals, which are expected to come into force in March 2016, come following the announcement that Edinburgh are to introduce a 20mph zone in certain streets. Recent research showed that despite initiatives from Police Scotland, there was a rise in the number of road traffic accidents in Scotland, and in particular, Glasgow.  Speeding Restrictions to Protect Vulnerable Road Users Speeding is one of the most common causes…

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pedestrian hit by car accident solicitors Glasgow

Police Appeal After Woman is Hit by Bus in Glasgow

Posted in: Bus AccidentsPedestrian InjuriesRoad Traffic AccidentsWrongful & Accidental Death

Police are appealing for information after a 67-year-old was hit by a bus at a notorious junction in Glasgow.  The pedestrian was struck at a crossing on Glasgow’s Queen Street, the final turn before the street becomes pedestrianised. The incident, which occurred as she crossed the junction, led to the woman being trapped under the bus. She was removed and treated for non-life threatening injuries at Glasgow’s Royal Infirmary.  The road, which was shut for more than two hours, has been an area of concern for pedestrians, drivers and police…

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Cycle Accident, Bicycle Injury, Best Cycling Accident, cyclist injury, Solicitors, Biker Hit By Car claim lawyers Glasgow

Council Launch Project to Protect Clyde Tunnel Cyclists

Posted in: Bicycle Accidents

Glasgow City Council has launched a £20,000 project to protect vulnerable road users of the Clyde Tunnel by installing a new anti-skid surface.  The move comes following a marked rise in the number of cycling accidents on the route, with the new traffic in the tunnel rising due to the new Queen Elizabeth University Hospital. This in turn has resulted in an increase in the number of walkers and cyclists using the route. Slips, Trips and Falls in Glasgow Many have suffered a slip, trip or fall or been dismounted…

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Pedestrian Injury Compensation Claims

Police Launch New Task Force to Combat Road Traffic Accidents

Posted in: Pedestrian InjuriesRoad Traffic AccidentsWrongful & Accidental Death

A new police unit has been launched to target the number of incidents and fatalities on Glasgow’s roads with the new emphasis following a number of road traffic accidents in the city. The drive, which is being introduced by Police Scotland will target elderly pedestrians and those considered reckless drivers to try and reduce the number of accidents in the city. Police units will monitor junctions considered dangerous and accident blackspots in the city.  The operation will have six full-time officers with other members of the force also monitoring other…

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Whiplash Accident Injury Compensation. Free, Personal Injury Claim Assessments. Road Traffic Accident claims Glasgow

Model Jailed for Fake Whiplash Claim

Posted in: Road Traffic AccidentsWhiplash Injuries

A model and semi-professional footballer has been jailed after she fraudulently made a claim for whiplash and took advantage of the personal injury system. The case highlights the importance of providing evidence to any judicial process and taking the advice of solicitors.  False Whiplash Claim The female took out a claim against Esure following a road traffic accident in 2012, but she failed to seek medical advice or obtain an appointment with a medical professional to check her injuries. As a result the defendant was able to have her claim…

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injuries airport public transport airplane areoplane injury compensation solicitors Glasgow

Passenger Claims Against Airline For Back Injury From Seating Arrangement

Posted in: Public TransportSpine & Back Injuries

A passenger has taken legal action against Etihad Airways after he claims he suffered a lasting injury after he was sat next to an obese passenger on a long-haul flight.  James Andres Bassos from Brisbane claims that his flight from Abu Dhabi to Sydney in 2011 has caused a back injury, as a result of being forced to contort and twist his body in order to escape contact with the allegedly ill and obese passenger next to him.  Personal Injury Claim  The obese passenger allegedly spilled out of his seat…

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bicycle injury compensation claim solicitors Glasgow

Cyclist Killed Following Serious Head Injuries

Posted in: Bicycle AccidentsHead and Brain InjuriesRoad Traffic AccidentsWrongful & Accidental Death

A cyclist has been killed following a road traffic accident involving a van. George O’Hara was left with serious head injuries as a result of a collision on the A79 just after rush hour and died three days after the accident.  The 68-year-old cyclist was rushed to a hospital in Glasgow following the incident, with the driver and passenger both being uninjured following the accident.  Sadly, road traffic accidents involving bikes or more vulnerable road users are more likely to end in fatalities. The accident highlights the issue of vulnerable…

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car crash road traffic accident claims compensation solicitors Glasgow

Rise in Number of Glasgow Road Traffic Accident Deaths

Posted in: Bicycle AccidentsCar AccidentsMotorcycle AccidentsRoad Traffic AccidentsWrongful & Accidental Death

Road deaths in Glasgow have risen dramatically with a fivefold increase in the number of incidents in the city in the last year.  In 2013, four people were killed in the city; however 2014 saw 19 people lose their lives on Glasgow’s roads. Worryingly, the rise in the number of deaths on roads is not only in Glasgow but across Scotland with the latest statistics showing an increase from 172 fatalities to 200 over the same period across the rest of the country.  The figures include the six people who…

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motorcycle accident claims compensation solicitors Glasgow

Learner Motorcyclist Awarded Over £340,000 for Losing Leg

Posted in: Leg InjuriesMotorcycle AccidentsRoad Traffic Accidents

A learner motorcyclist who lost his leg in a road traffic accident has been awarded £341,000 after he collided with a milk tanker on a road in Dumfrieshire. Adam Wagner was 17-years-old when the incident occurred in 2009. The crash led to the young learner driver having his leg amputated below the knee. The driver, who was on a Honda motorbike at the time of the incident, took legal action against the reckless driving of the milk tanker and his employer, ARLA Foods.  40% of the Blame Court of Session…

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We Represent Injured Cyclists In Glasgow - We Offer A Free Cycle Accident Claim Assessment

Cyclist Seriously Injured In Road Traffic Accident

Posted in: Bicycle AccidentsRoad Traffic Accidents

A cyclist has been injured in the North of Glasgow following a road traffic accident. The cyclist was involved in a collision with a car with the more vulnerable road user being rushed to the hospital as a result of his injuries.  The 67-year-old man involved in the crash was taken to Glasgow Royal Infirmary as a result of his injuries with no one else involved in the accident being hurt.  The accident is one of the many to occur in Glasgow each year with the city being one of…

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motorcycle accident compensation claim solicitors Glasgow

Motorcyclist Dies Following Crash on Rural Road

Posted in: Motorcycle AccidentsRoad Traffic AccidentsWrongful & Accidental Death

A motorcyclist has died following a crash on a rural road on the A85 between Loch Awe and Taynuilt. The crash occurred just before midday and came off his bike as a result of the incident. The road was shut for six hours as a result of the crash. A Police Scotland spokeswoman said: “A 34-year-old man has died in a road traffic accident on the A85 in Argyll.””He appears to have come off the road on his motorbike.” It is unknown if the incident occurred as a result of speeding…

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Whiplash Accident Injury Compensation. Free, Personal Injury Claim Assessments. Road Traffic Accident claims Glasgow

Teenager Left Unable To Read Or Write Due To Whiplash

Posted in: Head and Brain InjuriesRoad Traffic AccidentsWhiplash Injuries

A teenager lost his ability to read and write following an accident which saw him seriously suffer from whiplash. Scientists were marvelled at the extent of the injuries sustained by the teen citing that such symptoms had never been seen before as a result of whiplash. Indeed, scientists believed that it was the only case in the world of a loss of basic skills through whiplash.  The 19-year-old was forced to be taught how to read and write again but has since found himself back at university. Road Traffic Accident…

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Whiplash Accident Injury Compensation. Free, Personal Injury Claim Assessments. Road Traffic Accident claims Glasgow

Merely 7% of Whiplash Claims Fraudulent

Posted in: Car AccidentsRoad Traffic AccidentsWhiplash Injuries

A new study from Liverpool Victoria (LV) revealed last week that one million GP hours were wasted by fraudsters claiming for whiplash. The survey also revealed that premiums and other aspects of insurance suffered as a result of fraudulent whiplash claims.  Despite the survey calling the UK the capital of whiplash, statistics from Labour’s Andy Slaughter showed that just 7% of the whiplash claims were actually fraudulent.  Reforms In late 2013 the government introduced many reforms to try and clamp down on fraudulent claims involving drivers trying to seek compensation…

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pedestrian hit by car accident solicitors Glasgow

Child Road Deaths And Injuries Up By 3%

Posted in: Road Traffic AccidentsWrongful & Accidental Death

The number of children killed and injured (KSI’s) on roads in the UK has risen for the first time in 20 years according to provisional figures from the government. Statistics in September 2014 showed that the number of children involved in serious road traffic accidents has risen by 3% in comparison to the previous 12 months.  Rose In Each Quarter Worryingly, the figures, which were provided by the Ministry of Transport, showed that the number of injuries on the road were not due to one major incident, but grew in…

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car crash road traffic accident claims compensation solicitors Glasgow

A9 Average Speed Cameras Reduce Road Traffic Accidents

Posted in: Car AccidentsRoad Traffic Accidents

The introduction of average speed cameras on one of Scotland’s most dangerous roads has led to a decrease in road traffic accidents according to the latest statistics.  According to the A9 safety group, which consists of Transport Scotland, Police Scotland and other members, overall speeding incidents and accidents are down. The figures show that speeding has drastically fallen from one in three drivers, to one in twenty since the average speed cameras were introduced in early October. Huge Reduction  Police Scotland figures have found that since the cameras were introduced…

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chronic obstructive pulmonary disease diagnosis solicitors Glasgow

Glasgow Home to Scotland’s Most Polluted Street

Posted in: Road Traffic Accidents

For the second year in a row, Glasgow streets have topped the most polluted in Scotland, with figures showing that the air pollution in the city is getting worse and could lead to a series of illnesses and respiratory issues for the people of Glasgow.  Glasgow’s Hope Street is the most polluted street in Scotland, remaining one of the UK’s worst roads for air quality. Worryingly, the statistics from the Scottish Government show that despite efforts from councils to get the public to use public transport, the quality of air is…

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car crash neck injury compensation claim lawyers Glasgow

3% of Drivers in Personal Injury Claims Failed Breathalyzer Test

Posted in: Road Traffic Accidents

New evidence from breath test data shows that 3% of all those involved in personal injury claims failed to pass a breathalyzer test following their road traffic accident. The data comes following the lowering of the Scottish drink driving limit on December 5th, with a pint of beer or small glass of wine potentially putting drivers over the limit. Casualties Found Over the Limit The data follows a trend following evidence from 2012 which show that there were 230 drink drive deaths in 2012. Of the 1,430 drink drive killed…

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pothole accident claim solicitors Glasgow

UK Potholes Worse Than Ever As Fears Of Road Accidents Rise

Posted in: Pothole InjuriesRoad Traffic Accidents

Official figures show that the number of potholes on UK roads are increasing, potentially leading to further accidents on UK roads and an increase in insurance claims on the road. 17% of Road Unfit According to government figures, over 2,600 roads are in dire need of maintenance work due to extreme disrepair. In total, according to statistics from the Department for Transport 17% of roads in the UK require work carried out due to potholes or poor driving surfaces.  In total 19,000 miles of road could potentially be put forward…

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Whiplash Accident Injury Compensation. Free, Personal Injury Claim Assessments. Road Traffic Accident claims Glasgow

Moves Taken To Eradicate Whiplash Culture

Posted in: Road Traffic AccidentsWhiplash Injuries

The House of Lords have suggestion amendments to the Social Action, Responsibility and Heroism Bill in order to end the apparent “whiplash culture” when claiming for a vehicle accident in the UK. New Proposals Lord Hunt of Wirral said that insurers should focus on paying damages that make it possible for people to recover and not merely for cash. Under his proposals damages would not be paid for minor injuries if the negligent driver paid for the treatment in order for the victim to recover.  The plan would only cover…

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car crash road traffic accident claims compensation solicitors Glasgow

New Smart Watches are a Potential Driving Hazard

Posted in: Road Traffic Accidents

Drivers have recently been warned about the potential risks associated with wearing smart watches while driving. The latest piece of wearable technology from Apple will allow users to make and receive calls, check their messages and monitor their health by operating the device on their wrists. However, road safety charity, the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM), is concerned that this could significantly impair driving performance and be a major cause of distractions, leading to more road traffic accidents. Existing research conducted by the IAM simulator study on smartphone use between…

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pavement trip on roads - public liability claims solicitors Glasgow

Slip and Trip Injuries in Glasgow Cost Council £400,000

Posted in: Pedestrian InjuriesPothole InjuriesPublic Place Accidents

Over 750 claims for slip and trip injuries have been made to Glasgow City Council over the passed two years, resulting in just under £400,000 being paid out to compensate for the accidents. The figures, obtained by the Evening Times under the Freedom of Information Act, show that a majority of those claims have been settled, with approximately 250 still being dealt with. The claims follow falls caused by pavement and road potholes in the city. In some cases those trips and falls have resulted in serious injuries, including severe…

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Road Traffic Accident Compensation solicitors Glasgow - Car Accident Claim - claims / injury / compensation / lawyer

How can employers reduce occupational road risk?

Posted in: Car AccidentsEmployer NegligenceRoad Traffic Accidents

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) has called on employers to consider how they could make a positive difference to the safety of their employees who drive for work. It is estimated that up to a third of road traffic accidents involve someone who is using the road for work purposes. In 2012, this means that up to 7,679 people across Great Britain could have been killed or seriously injured because of an “at work” road accident. RoSPA is encouraging employers to think about the impact that…

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Road Traffic Accident Claims Glasgow - Car accident solicitors

Distracted driving is a real danger on the roads

Posted in: Car AccidentsPedestrian InjuriesRoad Traffic Accidents

Distracted driving poses a real danger to all road users, according to a recent survey by the Institute of Advanced Motorists and Vision Critical into road traffic accidents. The survey found that as many as 9% of drivers admitted they had crashed their cars after becoming distracted, and 4% said that this accident resulted in someone sustaining an injury. The main causes of distractions identified in the survey were: Children in the car (29%)Changing the radio channel (27%)Back seat drivers (26%)Mobile phone use (24%)Sat nav (15%)Attractive pedestrians, drivers or passengers…

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pedestrian hit by car accident solicitors Glasgow

Parents awarded compensation for son hit by car

Posted in: Car AccidentsPedestrian InjuriesRoad Traffic AccidentsWrongful & Accidental Death

The grieving family of a road traffic accident victim have been awarded around £100,000 in compensation between them, reports the Scotsman. Twenty-five-year-old Gavin Currie was on a pedestrian crossing in Neilston, Renfrewshire, when he was hit by a car and sustained fatal injuries. The driver of the vehicle was found guilty of causing death by driving carelessly. Gavin’s parents and brother sued the driver’s insurers, who admitted liability but contested the level of damages being sought. Court of Session judge Lady Wise highlighted the close relationship that existed between Gavin…

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Road Traffic Accident Compensation solicitors Glasgow - Car Accident Claim - claims / injury / compensation / lawyer

Road Traffic Accident Claims in Glasgow

Posted in: Road Traffic Accidents

Unfortunately, road traffic accidents are an all too frequent occurrence. Being involved in a road traffic accident could leave you with very serious injuries that have a great impact on your life. Victims of road traffic accidents such as, car crashes, motorcycle accidents and bicycle collisions, through no fault of their own can suffer injuries ranging from minor bruising up to serious head and spinal injuries. Road traffic accident injuries can be life changing and can also have an impact on your finances. Our Glasgow-based personal injury claim solicitors  know…

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Motorbike, Motorcycle Accident, claims solicitors Glasgow

Motorcycle Accident Compensation

Posted in: Motorcycle AccidentsRoad Traffic Accidents

The trend may be downwards on motorcycle accidents, as The Herald reported in May 2013. However the fact remains that your are very much more likely to be involved in a serious or fatal accident as a motorcyclist than you are as a car driver, pedestrian or pedal cyclist. The overall number of motorbike accidents in Scotland fell by more than 20% over two years, from 1037 in 2009 to 827 in 2011, although motoring experts believe this has been partly driven by a decline in leisure motorbiking, reflecting the…

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Cycle Accident, Bicycle Injury, Best Cycling Accident, cyclist injury, Solicitors, Biker Hit By Car claim lawyers Glasgow

Cycling Accident Compensation in Glasgow

Posted in: Bicycle AccidentsRoad Traffic Accidents

Cycling is an increasingly popular past time and method of travelling to work in Scotland. There have been various government initiatives to encourage people to cycle to work and school, and the phenomenal success of British cyclists such as Sir Bradley Wiggins and Sir Chris Hoy has led to many people trying out the sport. However, the potential for being involved in a cycling accident is still a risk, despite all the health and environmental benefits. The increased number of cyclists has naturally resulted in a higher rate of cyclist…

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Pedestrian Injury Compensation Claims

Accidents Involving Pedestrians in Glasgow

Posted in: Pedestrian InjuriesRoad Traffic Accidents

Pedestrians account for a significant percentage of the people who are injured on UK roads each year. Recent data from the Office for National Statistics have shown that in 2013, 398 pedestrians were killed as a result of a road traffic accident. In 2012, almost a quarter of road fatalities involved a pedestrian. Research has also found that the severity of injury increases with road speeds. When the speed limit is 60 mph or above, 43% of pedestrian accidents result in serious injuries or fatalities. The proportion is 40% for…

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Very helpful and quick.

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31 March 2020

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We won together. Strongly recommended for everyone in trouble.

9 December 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


First class service from start to finish of my accident claim, can’t thank them enough. Would highly recommend Personal Injury Claims Glasgow.

1 December 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


I recently had a claim with Personal Injury Claims Glasgow, from start to completion the service was excellent. The staff were very friendly and professional, keeping me up to day throughout the process. The claim was settled in the time frame stated. I would definitely recommend them.

1 December 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


I was very happy with Personal Injury Claims Glasgow, so quick in helping me with my claim, thank you very much.

29 November 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


Handled quickly from start to finish, professionally by the team, and was kept informed at every opportunity. Strong fast settlement. Hope I never have to….but would definitely use again.

29 November 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


Very good service from start to finish of the claim. They kept me up to date with everything that was happening. Claim settled quickly and efficiently – much quicker than I expected. Thank you.

29 November 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


Handled my car claim. Were very professional, realistic with the time to settle claim and got a very good claim for me. Also, excellent communication from start to finish. Would definitely use their services.

21 September 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


I am very happy with the service that I got from Personal Injury Claims Glasgow. My Insurer referred me to them when I had an accident, as I had no legal cover with my car insurance. I was kept informed at all times, even though the claim took some time to complete due to no fault of theirs. They persevered, and my son got compensated for his injuries when we had a crash that wasn't my fault, and he was a passenger. They were very professional and covered all basis. I will recommend the firm to anyone needing representation in this situation.

10 September 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


Excellent from start to finish in my recent personal injury claim after I was involved in a non fault accident with an uninsured driver. Team was 1st class. Kept me informed every step of the way. Highly recommended.

4 September 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


The service provided was second to none. Thank You.

26 August 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo



5 August 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


I had a fall on untreated ice in my work car park, which meant I had a trip to hospital and some time off work. I have also been left with some hearing impairment and Tinnitus. Thanks to the team at Personal Injury Claims Glasgow, we came to a very satisfactory conclusion. The team kept me up to date at every turn and guided me through the whole process. I would recommend this firm, and would not hesitate to use them again.

23 July 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


A first class service from Personal Injury Claims Glasgow, from the start of my claim to the conclusion, I was kept informed at regular intervals.

20 July 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo



2 July 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


I had a great experience dealing with this company nothing was a hassle for them to deal with very pleasant on the phone, would highly recommend them to anyone that needs legal assistance.

25 June 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


I received excellent service from Personal Injury Claims Glasgow regarding a recent successful compensation claim. The team were extremely helpful and knowledgeable, happy to answer any questions and provide reassurance and guidance throughout the whole claim process. I would happily use them again if I am ever in need of their services in future.

9 June 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


Kept in contact constantly after my wife's accident. Superb service.

5 June 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


Took on my case and was resolved in my favour within 3 weeks and kept me updated throughout would use again and recommend.

24 May 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


Thanks for all your help. They kept me informed all throughout, excellent service.

16 May 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


I found the process after a vehicle accident to be very professional. They updated me regularly and explained each step of my claim clearly. Very pleased and would recommend them!

16 May 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


I would recommend Personal Injury Claims Glasgow. All the staff work hard for you, nothing is too much bother for them. They also keep you well-informed at all stages of your claim. I would use them again if the need arises. Thanking you.

2 May 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo



28 April 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


The team are extremely friendly, caring, and efficient. They work very quickly, competently, but also keep you in the loop at every stage. I couldn't have asked for a better service, and I thank them for the work they have done on my behalf.

21 March 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


Excellent guidance and support throughout the process. Kept me up to date with phone calls and e-mails. 1st class service. Thank you.

20 March 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


A friendly and helpful service during a difficult time. Their response was always quick and explained the process. I would certainly use them again.

8 March 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


Extremely helpful and knowledgable staff who go out of their way to provide support, help, and reassurance. Great service with a great outcome. Highly recommended.

2 February 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


No issues with the service. Would use them again.

1 February 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


Excellent guidance and support throughout the whole process. Simple and straightforward and with a confidence that comes with professionalism. Well done to all at Personal Injury Claims Glasgow.

29 January 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


I have dealt with this company and found them professional and always kept me up to date on my case. Would recommend.

29 January 2019

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


I'm very happy with the way my case was handled and the support I received from Personal Injury Claims Glasgow.

15 April 2016

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


Very helpful and supportive team.

7 April 2016

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


Everyone I came into contact with was understanding, clear and happy to answer my questions. The process was clearly explained, and I was kept up-to-date. Thanks for all your help!

29 March 2016

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo


Friendly and professional service. I would definitely recommend to family and friends.

20 March 2016

Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NQ $ 01418 465 957 Personal Injury Claim Lawyers Glasgow Logo
5/5 Based on 35 Reviews

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