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A9 Average Speed Cameras Reduce Road Traffic Accidents

Posted in: Car Accidents Road Traffic Accidents 

The introduction of average speed cameras on one of Scotland’s most dangerous roads has led to a decrease in road traffic accidents according to the latest statistics. 

According to the A9 safety group, which consists of Transport Scotland, Police Scotland and other members, overall speeding incidents and accidents are down. The figures show that speeding has drastically fallen from one in three drivers, to one in twenty since the average speed cameras were introduced in early October.

Huge Reduction 

Police Scotland figures have found that since the cameras were introduced in over 25 locations on the A9, 298 cars have been found to be over the speed limit. Figures from the same time period a year before the cameras were introduced reported over 2,400 speeding offences. 

97% of all vehicles going 10mph over the speed limit were caught and stopped. 

Overall Accident Rate Down

The A9, which is considered to be one of Scotland’s most dangerous and deadly roads, has seen no accidents since the system was brought into place. 

Chief Superintendent Iain Murray, head of road policing at Police Scotland, said:

“In the first three months of operation we’ve seen a more than eight-fold decrease in the number caught speeding on this stretch of road compared to the same time last year.

“It’s clear the cameras are changing driver behaviour in the way we expected.

“This will undoubtedly help make the A9 safer.”

Journey times have increased by on average by 14 minutes since the cameras were introduced.

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