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Glasgow City Council pays out over £1.4 Million in Pothole Compensation

Posted in: Pedestrian Injuries Pothole Injuries Public Place Accidents Road Traffic Accidents 

A recent report has revealed that Glasgow city council paid out more than £1.4 million in pothole compensation in the past four years.

The information, which was obtained by a Freedom of Information request, was only made available after a fee had been paid to the council to disclose the information.

The council receives, on average, 50 monthly compensation claims regarding potholes, with two-thirds of all claims being personal injury claims as a result of potholes or accidents caused by issues with the road.

Two of the biggest cases resulted in £35,000 payouts for injuries suffered as a result of potholes. In total, over £960,000 were paid out as a result of personal injury claims.

The documents revealed that Glasgow Council received an astonishing 33,340 complaints about potholes in the last four years, an average of almost 23 a day.

They agreed to pay compensation in 2,504 cases (7.5%) giving an average between 2012 and 2015 of 52 a month.

Compensation Following Damage to Property

The highest claim for vehicle damage paid out was £2,447 and the lowest just £12. The council also paid out close to £15,000 in compensation following damage to vehicles. A Glasgow City Council spokeswoman said:

“[Glasgow] council has invested £75m over the last six years repairing the city’s roads network, and this has significantly reduced the number of claims received and the number of claims which are successful.

“The positive trend in the reduction of weekly potholes reported by the public over the last three years is reflected in the number of claims received and the number of pay outs over this period.”

As well as compensation following injuries, the council also paid out close to £15,000 in compensation following damage to vehicles.

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If you have been injured through no fault of your own, or if you have suffered a serious injury based on the conditions of the road or in a road traffic accident, contact our team today.


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