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Glasgow Company Fined After Hand Injury

Posted in: Faulty Work Equipment Finger Injuries Hand Injuries Workplace Injuries 

A packaging and printing company based in Glasgow has been fined £40,000 after a worker severely injured his hand when using machinery.

The long-term employee suffered horrific injuries after his right hand got pulled into an embossing and foiling machine he was working on. The Glasgow Sheriff Court heard that the worker had been attempting to prevent the machine from jamming, but could not prevent his hand from being drawn into the machine.

As a result of the injury, the worker suffered severe lacerations to his hand and was taken to his hospital after his tendons on his right hand became exposed. The worker also suffered several fractures and severe cuts on his fingers, with the damage meaning that he is unable to properly extend three fingers on his right hand.

HSE Investigation

The incident was investigated by the Health and Safety Executive and their investigation found that there were inadequate safety procedures in place for workers using the machine in question. Inspectors for the HSE found that had the machine had the necessary guard fitted that would have prevented this accident from taking place.

Alarmingly the incident was reported to the HSE in 2011. However, the full extent of the injury and the health and safety failings on behalf of the company were only revealed after an unconnected visit two years later. However, a full investigation was carried out after the discovery, and the HSE subsequently submitted its report to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service. The company admitted liability to failing to protect workers properly and was fined £40,000.

Personal Injury Claims: Accidents in the Workplace

Suffering an injury in any capacity is difficult, however, it can be even more so if the incident occurred through no fault of your own. Employers have a duty of care to protect workers and to ensure that the correct health and safety procedures are in place and that workers are safe in their environment. Although this is expected, many workplaces fail to protect workers, resulting in accidents in the workplace. If you were injured as a result of a failure in duty of care or negligence on the part of your employers, you could be entitled to make a personal injury claim.

Making a Personal Injury Claim

It can be difficult and stressful in general to make a personal injury claim against someone you do not know, therefore we understand just how difficult it can be to make a claim against your employer. However, regardless of your relationship with your employer, if they were responsible for your injury you have the right to make a claim.

Our team of personal injury solicitors will be able to build the strongest possible case for you using details regarding your accident such as basic details of where, when and how sustained your injuries. Our team may also require further evidence to support your claims such as the report of the accident in the accident claims report book, witness statements regarding the incident and even a medical report. Through using all of this information, our team will be able to build the strongest claim for compensation.

Personal Injury Experts Glasgow: Contact Us

It is difficult to tell what your claim could be worth before examination of the evidence. However, our team of experts will be able to inform you of exactly what you need to make a claim and what your claim could be worth. To make a personal injury claim today following an accident in the workplace or any injury, contact us today using our online contact form.


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