Pages On: Criminal Injury and Assault
For the most part, Britain is a safe place. However, violent crime is a real and present danger and can cause serious damage to victims of criminal assault. If you have been injured by a criminal, there is a scheme set up to help victims claim compensation. The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) is set up to help, and our team of solicitors can guide you through the process of claiming, and build a successful case for you.

Woman Suffers Facial Injuries Following Glasgow Robbery
Posted: 16 March 2015
Posted in: Criminal Injury and Assault, Head and Brain Injuries
A woman is being treated after she sustained facial injuries following a robbery in Glasgow near Bellahouston Park. The woman was assaulted, knocked to the ground, and robbed of her rucksack in a late night attack that left her with injuries that required treatment. The victim flagged down a police car and is still receiving treatment at the Southern General hospital days after the attack. Robbery The woman was removed of her bag which contained personal items but no money. Police have failed to apprehend the victim who was described…
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Thousands of NHS Staff Injured in Work
Posted: 19 January 2015
Posted in: Criminal Injury and Assault, Workplace Injuries, Workplace Slip
Just under 10,00 NHS staff workers were injured at work in the Glasgow area between 2011-13 according to figures uncovered recently, representing a third of all NHS injuries throughout Scotland. Between 2011-2013, there were over 35,000 injuries across Scotland varying from slips, trips and falls, violent assaults, staff being knocked out, punctures on dirty needles and infections. Despite the alarming figures NHS Scotland insists that the numbers represent a decline on the number of injuries seen in the past. The figures were uncovered by the Liberal Democrats and showed a…
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Criminal Injuries Compensation
Posted in: Criminal Injury and Assault
Crime, antisocial behaviour and violence are a blight on Scottish society. They cause law abiding citizens to live in fear and they destroy communities. Thankfully serious, violent crime, and thus criminal injuries, in Scotland is decreasing. In November 2013, Police Scotland statistics claimed that violent crime had diminished by 14 per cent in the previous year, according to Chief Superintendent David O’Connor, president of the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents. However, that does not diminish the fact that bad things continue to happen, and when they do, we must be…
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