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Road Traffic Accident Claims Glasgow - Car accident solicitors

Distracted driving is a real danger on the roads

Posted in: Car Accidents Pedestrian Injuries Road Traffic Accidents 

Distracted driving poses a real danger to all road users, according to a recent survey by the Institute of Advanced Motorists and Vision Critical into road traffic accidents.

The survey found that as many as 9% of drivers admitted they had crashed their cars after becoming distracted, and 4% said that this accident resulted in someone sustaining an injury.

The main causes of distractions identified in the survey were:

  • Children in the car (29%)
  • Changing the radio channel (27%)
  • Back seat drivers (26%)
  • Mobile phone use (24%)
  • Sat nav (15%)
  • Attractive pedestrians, drivers or passengers (14%)

Interestingly, men (11%) appear to be at greater risk of a distraction-related crash than women (6%). The survey also found evidence of geographical variances, with drivers from London and the South East apparently being more accident-prone. Around 14% of drivers from this region admitted being involved in a distraction-related crash, compared to only 5% of driver in South West England.

IAM chief executive Simon Best warned drivers against the temptation to multitask while driving, highlighting that distractions such as mobile phones contributed to over one hundred avoidable deaths on the roads last year.

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